24 things I've learned before turning 24


It's the eve of my birthday as I write this, I am casually sipping a glass of wine, and  reflecting back on my last 24 years. I am officially starting my 25th year on this planet and what a journey it's been thus far, to think that I've hit so many bumps along the road which has shaped me into the person I am today. Granted - I'm still young and still have a lot to experience, things to go through and yet to see, nonetheless, I wanted to share with you what I've come to gain an understanding for leading up to turning 24. Some of you might agree or disagree but sit back and read the things that I've come to assimilate, for all the good the bad and the ugly. 

1) Saying goodbye never gets easy
Having moved away from home to a different country at the age of 18 - five years later you get to realise that saying bye to loved ones never gets easier in time. 

2) Being Skinny & 'perfect' is overrated  
I always thought once I reached a 'skinny' ideal that I would be happy. I have come to realise that being beautiful is within, being confident with yourself and accepting yourself is a much better reason to want to be healthy and work on yourself for your own satisfaction rather than fitting in with today's beauty paradigm. What a load of bullsh*t I was made to believe. Different is good. 

3) No matter how much we know the direction of our life - we don't
You can plan all you want - but surprises will always come your way and surely, in the way. I am a big believer that our life is already designed in a certain way - the paths we choose is up to us but at some point we will always end up on the same path we were always meant to take even if it just takes longer getting there, so sit back

4)  Appreciate more your surroundings
 Always appreciate what you have in front of you before it's too late. 

5) Your true friends aren't necessarily the ones you've known the longest. 
Since living away from home, I have come to meet lots of different people, from various nationalities which has broadened my horizon and helped me to gain an understanding that real friendship doesn't necessarily have to be with the ones you've known for years to build that proper bond, or have to see them everyday for that matter - it's how open you feel towards them to let them in and to feel like despite the distance between you, it feels like no time went by at all.

6) Call your family to give news
It takes living miles away from home to realise how important family is. Noticing how fast time goes by is one of the scariest things for me. Call up your parents, grandparents, brother or even your cousin and just tune in from time to time to reciprocate some news! Life gets so manic sometimes, ( worst I feel, when living abroad) and your only means of contact is through telephone - it's important to build different form of memories possible. Pick up the phone!

7) Never give up your dream for anyone
Alternating our dreams for someone, unfortunately, we never know in which way our life is designed and is very likely something we might come to regret later on in life -  put yourself your goals first  like that you can guarantee that you will never regret it.

8) Don't change who you are for someone else, ever
Who will want to be part of your life will make an effort to be in it - unconditionally. 

9) Everything happens for a reason 
Ye, ye super cliche. and this one perhaps is slightly personal but there are quite a number of activities in which you realise has worked out a certain way to allow something else to fall into place.

10) Stress less 
I am the queen of stress and anxiety, I am learning to live in the moment and to let go of the past and not over think of the future. There is no point in stressing on a certain situation, because in reality, it doesn't change a damn thing, just the way you end up handling things. 

11) Starting over is more exciting than you think
Sure its daunting and scary, but a lot of people nowadays don't take the plunge because they get comfortable and stay in situations out of habit -  you will fall flat on your face at first i have no doubt but getting back up and starting afresh; is challenging but opens a new chapter with new possibilities of the unknown. 

12) How to love 
Love is beautiful. enough said. 

13) Have a voice
Speak up ; you  have something to say? is something bothering you - not up for it? say NO - speak what's on your mind, and be honest, never leave things unsaid.

14) If you want something - go get it yourself. 
It's very rare to find people who want to cater to your own success, you have to fight and reach out for it yourself. If you want it, don't hesitate to ask and to push - in the end, you have more to gain than to lose. 

15) You can't please everyone
Not everyone will agree with what you do or choose - the one thing you can do is focus on pleasing yourself, that's what really counts in the end.

16) Look up from your phone 
We are so technology centred nowadays, we forget to take in our surroundings. We are way to busy trying to capture the moment through our phone lens without truly taking it in mentally - put that phone down, sure it might look good on Instagram but enjoy it for yourself rather than for your followers first.

17) Dream Big
This is the age, where we shape and create our life. Our decisions at this point is what shapes our future and our money income. Don't hesitate to set yourself a few achievements with yourself , career, or with family and friends.

18) Put yourself first
It's not selfish to put yourself and your well being above everyone else. It's all part of self respect which is another on the list - take time, to love yourself because it's only by loving yourself, are you truly opening yourself to be loved and to love in return.

19) Cut out negativity in your life
Unfortunately, this could be linked with a bad habit or with a person if not several, it might not be the easiest of choices, but surrounding yourself with positive people and those who lift you up and inspire you in different ways, can affect your actions, thoughts and life immensely. Don't tolerate being dragged by the wrong crowd. Learn  how to know what is good for your individual self.

20) Be in the moment. 
It's hard to erase memories, and to not think of the past, it's also hard for me to not complain about something possibly NOT even happening that day - sometimes I'll be out and about thinking of the past or future without allowing myself to enjoy the present moment. Something I've been taking in is just focusing on the present moment and this has already been a bonus point in my life.

21) Meditation is key 
I always thought that this was linked with religion and the thought never appealed to me. Now that I have incorporated yoga into my daily routine, and realising that they go hand in hand, I've come to know the power of meditation. Have you taken a deep breathe in today? Do it right now, whilst closing your eyes - trust me.

22) Being alone is OK
Most of us are so scared of being alone that we always want to find and be with someone, or be out with friends but taking time to be with yourself is the best respect you can give to get to know and love yourself better. I can assure you it is far from being lonely - Netflix and pampering session for one? Sure thing!

23) Everything in moderation
We're always being told what is bad for you, what causes illnesses and what not to do which leaves you with a restricted list of things that are 'acceptable' towards our health and not enjoyable for the most part. A little bit of every thing in my opinion is good in this world, if you want that doughnut - go for it. That cigarette to accompany your glass of wine? why not. It's better to allow and enjoy than to restrict and in turn to over do. I believe we should take a little bit of everything in order to  toughen and build our immune system - it all goes down to highlighting and centring on the word: moderation.

24) To live without risk is to risk not living
Most people nowadays, will stick to what is safe, to what is comfortable - but sometimes having life too much under control stops you from living - it's good to do things out of the norm, spontaneously, to take the risk and do things you've never done before; sometimes it's what will allow you to encounter more and open opportunities. In the corrupt world we live in, we could be gone tomorrow so don't hold back - do ; go for it, before it's too late. 

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