Dry Brush your way to better skin
First blogpost which is not related to food is finally here, after all these food recipes and much more which are in a queue making their way soon. Safe to say that dry brushing has become a necessity over this last week even though I have adopted this daily beauty ritual on and off from many years ago. I was dry brushing one evening before bed just winding down and thinking to myself .. What am I going to write about that is a little more diverse and not always directed towards food? I mean don't get me wrong, I love sharing food recipes with you guys .. clearly, I enjoy writing my general thoughts from time to time when I feel inspired enough and when it comes to fashion posts lately, unless you want to see me in a shabby, strappy dress which I've practically lived in all summer due to this unbearable scourging heat - my fashion style hasn't exactly been on point nor photograph worthy. So I got stuck with inspiration for a little bit and then it hit me; why don't I just talk to you guys exactly about the one thing I was doing in that given moment - dry brushing. Like that it will not only give you an insight of the perks but it will inspire those of you who don't already dry brush to pick one up and start today!
First and foremost, one of the most common obvious benefits which has been associated with dry brushing is the reduction of cellulite due to the circulation of the blood which helps to reduce their visibility. Cellulite at one point or another occurs on ALL body types - so it's good that every one gets in the habit of this routine to minimise the effects and keep the skin smooth and looking vibrant. This of course, compliments a healthy diet you can't expect to be eating junk foods and sugars and be cellulite-free so if this is one of the reasons you'd like to incorporate dry brushing - make sure to eat unprocessed, clean foods for the most part. It's also known to be a natural method for detoxification as it naturally gets rid of unwanted toxins and nasties in the body. This again is due to the circular motions which circulate the blood more efficiently and will aid in weight loss and cell renewal over time. With this in mind, it exfoliates the skin, getting rid of dead cells and giving your skin a fresh vibrant glow whilst, making it pleasing to the touch. For those who shave their legs this works perfectly as an exfoliater to prevent ingrown hairs from occurring so all in all I find it to be - double effective. Quite frankly, as of late I adopted this routine at night and I significantly find that it really works as a stress reliever and massages the muscles especially after a long day. I definitely recommend to incorporate it along the same time when your makeup comes off for the day and you can just kick back and relax from there on. Try it out for a consecutive number of days and I guarantee whether big or small you'll already notice an improvement in the skin - then it's up to you to make up your mind if you want to carry on incorporating it into your beauty regimen or not - it's a thumbs up for me!
IMP: Never dry brush on sore, inflamed or red sun burnt skin that can irritate you further. If you are unsure consult with a doctor beforehand.
Make sure to brush on dry skin this is what makes it more effective. Strip down from your clothing preferably and do this before your shower or bath to make it easier altogether and start from your ankles up, make sure to brush gently in circular motions always going upwards. This is too constantly be moving the blood flow and to lead it towards the direction of the heart. Start from one leg and the other, then moving on to your mid section i.e: bum, hip and belly and then move onto the arms, again starting from the wrists moving up towards the shoulders. You can gently brush your face do you wish but I do recommend highly that you make sure the brush has been cleaned to not put dirt directly onto your face as it would definitely contradict if your skin feels great but you get pimples instead. Don't forget to do your back also which works in a different direction, starting from your neck down - For this reason I highly recommend buying a brush with the long handle which will make the procedure more efficient especially for a better grip when working on your backside. This in total takes me a good five minutes minimum, I sometimes go for a bit longer if I have the time and patience for that matter.
I do NOT take a bath everyday, a shower yes of course, but a bath is a bit more reserved for special occasions, weekends or really when I have spare time on my hands and need a good wind down session. However, I do recommend that at least once a week to dry brush and then add Epsom salts to your bath as this will effectively increase the detoxification stage by getting rid of the toxins in the body.
After dry brushing your skin will naturally be feeling rejuvenated and smooth - adding some moisturiser just gives a hydrated boost to the skin which in turn will enhance the appearance and texture. You can go natural and use oil based such as argan oil or coconut oil as an organic lotion or a normal skin care moisturiser of your choice. In my opinion, the less chemicals the better for your skin so make sure you know what goes into some of your favourite moisturisers as sometimes we'd be surprised once we find out.