Monday Thoughts


As I sit here being pensive and drinking my cup of coffee, like I do religiously every morning. I ask myself how is it that no matter how often you follow the same regimen, life and the world around you is still changing in the blink of an eye. You wake up one day - and it's not the same world you were living the day before. One minute you are on a path where you have certain things, and put your faith into it and the next you find yourself starting from scratch, on your own, with different people in your life, with a different direction and most scarily not knowing what your next move is. Change is clearly inevitable - I'm starting to realise that it is out of our control and that at the end change is the only constant in this twisted beautiful life of ours.

Loss is a part of life which as much as we dread and try to avoid is something that we all endure at some point (and many points). Daily, someone around us is experiencing it, be it from a lover, a friend, family member or even a loved animal. It makes you realise how precious our time is and the time of others, and that we should make the most of it and not take anything for granted because before we know it it vividly all becomes a memory.

2017 has definitely been the year where most change has happened, and I have dealt with a new chapter in my life. With just three months in, so much has happened already - which frightens me to think that there is another 9 months to go this year. At first, (and possibly still) I was worried with where this year would take me, and what was next on the agenda. However, I'm slowly coming to terms with accepting that it is okay to not know what the next step is and to just let life play it's course and take you by surprise for the good and the bad. It's unavoidable -  the only thing that can be done at this stage, is the approach we choose to take. I am someone usually, very structured and organised - I am a planner. I like to know what is in store for me that day, what meals I am going to cook, what is going to happen on my holiday next week - but the last month every thing has been what I would call in my world 'upside down' ; living spontaneously, not knowing what my day has in store for me, not knowing what to eat. Somehow I feel like I'm slowly becoming stress free just by going with the rhythm of things, sure it's nice to be organised and I think I can never take the control freak out of me but I feel like just by taking the day as it comes, has made me enjoy life somewhat more. Everything is as it should be, what will be will find it's way and everything will fall into place one way or another. The heart will always find a way to heal itself, it's our minds that we have to take care of. 

I never quite understood being in the moment and living in the moment up until the last few months. With meditation and yoga it has definitely kept me on my feet and kept my sanity, but it also has helped me to not dwell on the past, think about the future and just enjoy your surrounding at that given time - sure it's easier said than done but applying this to my everyday life has made me realise that it's the only way you can truly take in life, and all the positive around you. I'm sure there'd be a bit of negativity lingering on in the background, but it doesn't matter because you find a way to foresee it. It's okay to be scared, it's okay to be afraid of loss, it's a part of life that we have to take on and somewhat, makes this world so beautiful that we have something worth living for and/or got to experience.


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