I came across this photo of me the other day and I thought it would be the perfect picture to describe me in a nutshell. This also gives you guys a chance to get to know me a little better plus it's Thursday today so lets just throw in the whole ThrowbackThursday out there. It will come to no surprise to those of you who know me personally that I have always been a food lover. I was surrounded and grew up appreciating good food from the start; from Maltese cuisine, Italian cuisine - the vivid memories of making fresh pasta with my granddad, to eating delicious French cuisine every time I go to France and the home cooking and baking explorations on weekends with my mum, this is where my love just kept growing fondly and keeps growing to this day. Cooking has always been a passion of mine - but I enjoy preparing food perhaps slightly more than I enjoy eating it Heyoo what! Yep, you heard it it's a time in the day where I can let go and just unwind & an added bonus now is that i'm able to incorporate this into my personal space here on the internet - - I feel so thankful that I get to share this part of me with you guys here on Live Elle!
I'm amazed at how some things never change, it's good to look back at old photos and reflect. For one, no matter how many years have gone by my hairstyle somehow has sort of gone back to a very similar style (I'd like to think with more emphasis on the style today).. && funnily enough, although my fashion sense back then might have been a little crazier let's be honest I would never wear yellow in this day and age....
I came across a similar camisole dress to the one I am wearing in the photo above whilst at work (I knew that garment looked familiar) Fashion really does go round in circles, we seem to have gone back to the early 90's so it seems. This dress happens to still be available on sale at ZARA if you guys are interested. I think I'll skip re-falling into the past. Although dipping into the leftovers after baking is a tradition that doesn't die young that I assure you I will carry on to do, as well as having food all around my face - somethings just never change :-) It's nice to reflect back & get your mind back on track, also good to connect back with the simpler days and let that nostalgia feeling kick in!
Today was my day off work and I spent the day in a similar spot to this photo - cooking up a few things for you guys that will come up shortly ; so stay tuned!