
Ahhh Sundays. 

For me the perfect definition of a Sunday spent in style is relaxing and having a beauty session and just letting go of the manic days that we encountered. The week can be rather stressful and sometimes we don't always get chance to give ourselves some proper TLC. I for one, work most weekend so my Sunday get's created on any other day I do have off that week so if you're in the same boat as me doesn't mean you can't get to appreciate the Sunday feeling just the same. We all need a day of rest, the day we choose is up to us. 

When it comes to having time off, we usually have other chores and errands that get put at the top of the list but taking care of ourselves should be a major priority as it not only helps physically but also with our mental state even if it means zoning out and giving yourself 30mn/hr to yourself. It could be anything from meditating, reading a book, taking a bath, doing a hobby that you enjoy and don't often get a chance to do. For me it's  brewing fresh coffee and having a small pamper session it really helps me unwind and I feel good in the process - it's the best feeling to just relax sometimes and know that time isn't rushing you and you have nowhere to be. 

I usually go to boots and buy lots of different face mask sheets, nose strips and exfoliation creams for days off and in turn it always adds up to so much £££££. Despite, the money I actually came to realise that it's not only cheaper to make your own, but even healthier as there are no unwanted nasties, and so many variations to creating your own for your specific needs. I decided to go ahead and create a coffee scrub. As I prepare fresh coffee a few times a week I always have ground coffee used and fresh on hand, so this scrub is perfect as I get to make further use of my coffee grounds. Caffeine in coffee benefits the skin immensely, and I had gone through the advantages of drinking coffee in my homemade cappuccino post that you can click and recap here. However, for those of you who don't drink or like the taste of coffee this scrub is ideal for you as you can still take in more or less the same perks (if not slightly more) by incorporating coffee into your beauty regimen other than your diet. 

It's official. 
Despite coffee being 
good for the soul it's
 also good for our skin

This part is totally optional as it depends if you make and drink coffee. This is one of my favourites way I like to brew my coffee but you can just go ahead and skip this step and just use freshly ground coffee which anyway is an essential. 

Using FRESH ground coffee is a must for this scrub as having the grain raw allows the benefits to remain intact. However, as seen in the above picture once I make a coffee anyway -  I incorporate a mixture of fresh and used ground coffee for two reasons :

A) not to waste 

B) by combining the two this helps the scrub to remain slightly gentle. 

My skin is rather sensitive so I always stick to mild scrubs.  I recommend using this scrub whilst in the shower, and fine ground coffee makes it appropriate for us to do so as it allows you to apply, mess - free and without having to clog the drain in the process so you don't have to worry. Remember it's Sunday - you're in a stress-free zone even if it doesn't last all day apply it for the minutes you do give yourself.

I have decided to keep my scrub simple - buy adding two 'C' ingredients: coffee & coconut oil. The reason why I decided to keep it this way is so that it's perfect to apply to the face as well as the body. I mention why we should use it for the face in the benefits section below.

In my opinion, you want the coconut oil to be softened but not fully melted although, it will still work but keep in mind the consistency of your paste will be more runny. I prefer to have mine thicker slightly and apply it with some water once I'm in the shower. I feel that I use less and it's easier to apply, & work as a scrub.


Simply,  mix 1/2 cup of coconut oil & 1/2 cup of ground coffee together & mix well until it makes a paste. DONE. Don't you just love how things don't have to be complicated? Especially on a Sunday when our time is precious. So it's something you can probably whizz up after reading this. It's very likely you already have the two 'C''s in your kitchen cabinet.

There are various other ways you can alternate this scrub for one if you don't have coconut oil, or for any reason are allergic then olive-oil will still work well as an alternative, and will equally help at keeping the skin smooth and moisturised. For the rest, just left the coffee do the work.

I then store my mixture in a small container with a tight sealed lid to keep it fresh. This allows me to return to it more than once and to have it on hand for whenever I do need it ready and good to go however, I wouldn't keep it stored for too long it's always easy to return and make it fresh so keep it for a week max. I recommend it in the morning, after a workout sess. the smell of coffee hits the spot nicely!

Look at the beauty of a 2-in 1 - - I'm getting to enjoy my black coffee whilst pampering myself.  

Granted it might not be the most appealing of colours, but considering it is a homemade scrub - the scent and texture just make up for it's appearance! 

TIP: I recommend dry bushing in a circular movement before hopping into the shower and applying the scrub. This will give an added boost to the results. 

I hope you guys give it a go and see how amazing your skin feels afterwards! Let me know how you get on and what your fave scrub is!




I think this is the most common fact that we know caffeine is responsible for. It's a given that it helps to tighten the skin, which in turn helps to reduce the sight of cellulite. It might not be a permanent approach, you can't expect to just use this scrub and have the cellulite  disappear in a flash all altogether. However, with a healthy diet and exercise involved it will help to diminish for good, in the mean time applying coffee scrub can almost help it disappear temporarily


This coffee scrub is gentle enough to be applied on the face, for this reason I only applied coconut oil with coffee. As if you apply this scrub around the eye area, it will help diminish dark circles, amazing and well needed! It is also good for Acne sufferers,  as the scrub really penetrates into the skin which helps stimulate the blood and to reduce redness. 


You have no idea how silky smooth  this scrub leaves your skin! Just like other exfoliators, it's good at getting rid of dead cells, increasing the blood flow. By tightening the skin it is also tightening and shrinking the vessels which reduces the appearance of varicose veins!


Caffeine is a natural anti-oxidant just as it is good to drink a cup or two, applying it into a beauty regimen is also good for our skin. It helps to expel toxins more efficiently and to reduce age spots and wrinkles so in other words helps  prevent premature ageing from occurring. It also has cancer fighting benefits, especially towards the skin as it counteracts free radicals, which damage the inner layer of our skin.

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