Hike Day to Richmond Park


I have been living in London for almost five years now and sometimes I forget in which city I live. Work has been a little stressful these days and sometimes I don't allow time to appreciate a nice day out and explore nature. The weather was so beautiful and I thought it would be a waste to not take advantage, I put down my to-do-list & I just went to Richmond Park to make the most of the weather and get rid of some built up tension.

&&&  it ended up being such an adventurous day the plus side? I got to make friends with some deers! 

We walked so much it ended up to be a good unexpected hike, god knows we did our cardio for the day, walking is one of the best ways to reduce stress just being out & exercising in fresh air is a key point!

on another note, being Mediterranean soaking up some sun is in my nature so you can just imagine how i felt in my element to just sit on a bench and let the sun rays do their job! I feel that sunshine is super important not only for the skin and health but also for the moral or atleast for me it does!

It's simple things and days like these which remind me that I should be thankful for what I have and my surroundings! 

Hope you guys had a fab day!


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