Sunday Roast & Coffee!


Hey lovelies,

Today was the first Sunday in a long time where both Tom and myself had no work and could enjoy eachothers company the plus side was that it happened to be a nice sunny day and we got to enjoy the Sunday vibe/rush in the town centre. The original plan was to go for brunch but ended up at a pub for a Sunday roast instead. 

The weather has gotten really cold outside, we couldn't wait to get snug inside & be in the warmth. we managed to sit right next to a little cute fireplace which really set the mood.

I haven't had meat in ages! It would have been a shame to go for a traditional english roast without the stuffing & meat. Sometimes you just need to enjoy whats on your plate and the moment and not worry too much about restrictions. I have to admit that the whole dish was delicious but nothing beats the yorkshire puddings. I could eat about five of those -- they are just too good! 

After lunch, we were so eager to get home. First thing I did when I got home was make myself a hot cuppa'. 

& this is where I currently am right now , drinking my coffee whilst talking to you guys! Plan for the rest of the afternoon? Figure out more blog stuff whilst...

.....having a Walking Dead marathon & taking it easy. it's awesome! We started it two days ago and already on Season 2 , heads up though starting this show before bed time might not be a great idea - we locked our door for the first two nights haha!

Here's a little motto for the week: 

Hope everyone is having a fab Sunday & getting ready for the new week ahead! 

What have you guys been up to today?


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