Happy Birthday Maxou + Day update!


I can't believe that my old man is turning 18years old today! Meet Max -- he's a Maltese not just by nationality but also by breed.

One of the toughest things about living away from home is having to say bye to this cheeky monkey each time! I cannot wait to see him in two weeks time once I go down to Malta for a couple of days & I will no doubt find him right on his 'throne' ie: armchair where I last left him.. that is the life!

I cannot get enough of his cuteness. Can you spot his tooth in the last photo? he cracks me up!

Today is my day off & I decided to have my coffee & breakfast in bed. Not often do I get to do this but when I do it's pure and utter bliss. I plan to have a chill day && NOT get out of my jammies untill mid-morning once I change to my yoga clothes for a workout sess! 

What are your plans for today?

M x

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