Hello 2017 - Thanks for showing your teeth already!


Why Hello there! remember me? Sorry for being MIA over the last month or I can actually say since last year (It surely feels like a year), it probably wasn't the best idea to have stopped blogging for a month especially as Live Elle is still so fresh and starting out but what can I say my hands have been tied and going through personal obstacles has definitely put me on a roller coaster the last few weeks. With this regard, I still have to wish all of you a Happy New Year and wish you all the health, love and success in each and one of you guys - my readers. Hey! it's still January so my wishes still counts. I myself have entered 2017 with a bang but I am here now and willing to give my 100% and don't intend on going anywhere. Or at least if i do share it with you wherever I do decide to go....I know that Paris is coming up next - HINT!

We all go through personal struggles at many points in our life. Sometimes they pass and other times they consume you, no matter the issue I genuinely believe that it's 10% the problem and 90% your attitude towards a situation. Trust me it's easier said than done and most of the time it's only once you take a look from the outside do you truly realise this and your actions. We all go through moments in our life where we are not OK and decide to just give up by throwing everything away along with our self-worth but in the process only makes us feel worst down the line. Sometimes you have to force yourself to get things done and although it might be a real struggle it will help in the long run. Here is a glimpse at what I do to to help me get through and might hopefully help inspire you guys and get an insight or two.


One of my new year's resolutions was to commit to yoga this year, whilst getting that flexibility going. I have always been a Pilates and Yoga kinda gal but lost touch of my love for it. It happens. holding on to this commitment couldn't have come at a better time as yoga is known to help reduce stress, focus on yourself due to meditation, learn to love yourself and deal with your emotions. (As well as feeling amazing and all stretched out after your practice.) I have incorporated it into my daily routine first thing before breakfast where I after get to enjoy my morning coffee outside in the crisp fresh air - pure bliss. Exercise in general be it yoga, Pilates, HIIT, cardio just brings out the endorphins which let's be honest when we're not our best, we all can do with some. You don't have to spend money to sign up at something which is what I believed for a long time, all I've been doing is showing up on the mat every single morning and has been making a small difference mentally & physically. 

For yoga I usually follow Yoga With Adriene on YT. I really recommend her page. She has considered everyone and has done a practice available for no matter the situation one is in. Be it yoga for injury, fighting a cold, menstrual pains, detox, weight loss, depression, digestion, travelling and the list goes on. It's brilliant and pretty much leaves you with no excuse. 


I for one have always been an emotional eater. It's honestly a nightmare because it is something that is uncontrollable, but again this is where yoga and meditation affects our everyday lives, I'm learning to master my own mind and allowing the right nutrients to take place. Although everything in moderation - I have been trying to limit my sugar intake (to an extent, chocolate can't just disappear out of my life), we all know sugar to be a big NO for when we want to shed a few pounds - but it's also the worst for when you're feeling blue. Did you know that although you might think sugar can help make you happy it will only make you feel more down and can put you in a worst mood once ingested. Being mindful of what you eat surprisingly can be better for your moral, despite the way you feel on a whole so it's an added bonus. Although these foods might not be our first choice, (lets be honest here the majority of us would choose a cookie other than a fruit in a time of need) by incorporating a lot of fruit and veggies into my diet as a result, has made me crave more fruits rather than sweets. I'm still getting my sugar fix through dates and mangoes especially. I love me some mango!

Being the weekend and actually being off (added bonus) I had more time to give myself some love this morning, and cook myself a nice brunch post-workout. I woke up late as I haven't been sleeping properly as of late, which happens when you are dealing with stress or have a lot on your mind. I knew I would need a bit more fuel to tackle the day and there was no  better way to start than the mixture of savoury and sweet for brunch. Avocado on chia seed toast is just life add an egg and that's one of my fave meals right there.  I had some Nutella left in the pantry -  I added some on one of my chia seed toasts with added nuts and pumpkin seeds - exactly what I needed. What's important is to always listen to your body. if you want something have it. 

Having time to finally enjoy lunches at home has made a world of a difference for me, now that my work has moved closer to my home, I no longer have to eat out or  have on-the go sandwiches  all the time - thank god for that! This buddha bowl is SO simple - yet SO delicious. I feel so good eating natural foods like this and my body just thanks me for it by keeping me energised & positive for longer. 

You can add anything to your buddha bowl anything that is nutritious and fresh that is.
  I just added mine with:

 Baby Plum Tomatoes, 
Baked Sweet Potatoes, 
Raw celery,
 Brown wholewheat giant couscous, 
drizzle  of extra virgin olive-oil 
 Pink Himalayan sea salt.


Is there such a thing as being an introvert whilst at the same time being an extrovert? Because if there is then that's what I am. I love to be outside, but I also love staying at home, having a beauty day putting the kettle on and watching some Netflix all cuddled up especially in the winter it just sounds like music to my ears. Although I agree, getting fresh air is a key point. Some mornings swinging by the coffee shop and going straight by the thames and meditating for a while can be more soothing than having a lie-in and staying warm in bed, plus it's good to take time to just think away from technology. It so peaceful and nice to have this place close to where I live, but anywhere will do just be outside and just try be one with nature for a bit.


I'd be the first to say that work can be soul sucking it doesn't leave you with a lot of time to do what you love to do. Me for one, blogging has been my passion for years and only at end of last year did I bite the bullet to actually get Live Elle to come to life, and she is a work in progress. (literally as she is me) As you are aware I did a month not blogging because of how stressful life got, I wish I would have blogged slightly along the way as I forgot the feeling that it gives me to be present here right now as I write this blog post. Although Pilates and Yoga has been mentioned as my exercise regimen they are also hobbies of mine which I have incorporated and that make me feel good so it's a win-win situation.


This has nothing to do with religion but holding on to faith sometimes can be more powerful and consoling than you think. You can't always plan what happens as much as you are not in control of what happens next, although your attitude towards life can make things better. What is meant to be will always be so let go and hope for the better, holding on to stress might not be the answer in getting better always try look at the positive side of things. Again it's a challenge but know that in the long run it won't change the situation but it can help immensely. Last but not least, don't forget to love, loving ourselves is more challenging sometimes than loving someone or something else, so do what it is that makes you feel good and happy, the way we treat ourselves is the way we treat others. Every one is fighting a battle of their own that we know nothing about so always be kind to those around you and shed a little bit of positivity. which I hope I've managed to play my part by writing this  and sharing this with all you! 

Have a fab Sunday!


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